Gospel-Centered Serving is the overflow of Following Jesus. Jesus came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Jesus calls and commands us to follow His example of service. We were saved that we might now serve. Those of us who have been impacted by the gospel have countless opportunities—both formal and informal—to serve others by greeting at the doors of the church, volunteering in one of our Kid or Student ministries, leading a small group, teaching, singing, giving financially to the needs of others, opening our homes to our neighbors, etc. You can sign up today to hear more about serving at LifeHouse Smyrna!
- First Impressions (Greeters & Ushers)
- Worship Band (vocalists & instrumentalists)
- Audio / Visual Team (Sound, Lights, Media)
- Children's Ministry
- Children's Check-in (computer related)
- Set-up / Tear-down Teams
- Prayer Team
- Care Ministry (providing meals, cards, etc.)